
Saturday, December 25, 2004

Dave's Garden

For a good two years, I resisted the temptation. I belonged and partcipated in a couple of active heirloom gardening groups, but bypassed DG because I had formed a suspicion that it was too elitist. I couldn't have been more wrong. With well over 100,000 members - scattered around the globe - there are all skill levels represented. Not everyone posts (thank goodness!) but enough are there that staying away from my favorite forums is tough to do. Even on Christmas Day I can't seem to get away from this computer. So fascinating. And of course I can't resist making some entries of my own. Such as the one about my friend Bonnie with the corpse flower. Now I have to figure out how to post that picture here. ttyl

Wow, that was complicated - should be simple, and probably would be if I knew how to do it. (If I really knew how to do this stuff, I'd probably be dangerous!) Still haven't figured out how to place it, but at least it's here. A click will enlarge it. The blossom opened in the botanical garden of Stephen F. Austin University (Nagadoches, TX) in June 2004. Botanically, it's Titan Arum, and in Malaysia is often nine feet tall. Called the corpse flower because for the first 18 hours after opening, that's what its perfume seems like to people's noses. Which is possibly more information than you wanted. OK, that's enough for today.


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