
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Daisy's Garden

Cousin Peggy F.'s daughter Shirley told me this past week that when she gets her daylilies moved from their temporary pots into their permanent beds at the new house and they have multiplied sufficiently to share, I can have a start of them. Great news. I have quite a few hybrid varieties now and they are lovely, but none have the robust vigor of the old standard Hemerocallis fulva. What makes Shirley's supply so special is that the plants are grow-out descendants of those that grew in Grandmother Daisy's garden. She has been gone now more than 20 years but we all remember how much she loved the simple flowers that were available to her over the years. Four o'clocks, sweetly scented honeysuckle and petunias in the planter boxes flanking the front steps. And a large collection of houseplants - especially prized was an angel wing begonia. How wonderful it will be to grow flowers that trace directly to her skill and dedication.


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