District 23
We are all so weary of this runoff campaign! With all the TV ads, everyone in the entire area is suffering along with us residents of the district, but we also have to contend with stuffed mailboxes, yard signs and phone calls. I am not keen on either candidate, having rooted for a newcomer in the general election. I became thoroughly disenchanted with Henry Bonilla during the last round after he benefited so handily from Tom DeLay's outrageous engineering of that illegal redistricting setup. I'm not convinced that Ciro Rodriquez will be a substantial improvement, based on his prior service in another district under the old map, but at least he is carrying much less baggage. The mudslinging is so bad it is revolting and asinine, when serious issues need to be discussed. The incredible sums of money being expended could be of benefit in so many other ways. Regardless of the outcome, we will all be relieved tomorrow evening just to have an end to the relentless bombardment.
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