The property tax appraisal arrived in the mail Saturday. In the ten years since I purchased this place, the assessed value has shot up half again. Part of the "privilege" I suppose of living in the seventh largest city and one with a vigorous and expanding economy. The May elections coming up will feature a city-wide bond proposal of $550 million and the school district in which I'm located has a bond proposal of $692 million. Boggles the mind. Some folks who have no children complain that they are unfairly assessed for school funding since they have no kids partaking of the services. In all these many years that I've paid these assessments, I've remembered that first day in first grade in 1936. Tough as those Depression years were, others had provided the school building and the teacher. Never mind that the setting was very spartan in supplies and equipment - to me it was a place of wonder and excitement, and I considered schooling all-important from then on throughout life - I hope to continue learning up to the last and hope to help others do so as well. Still, this year's tax bill will swallow nearly sixty per cent of a month's income. When I look at the top-heavy administrative posts at most schools and the enormous outlays for the football programs, I can't help but yearn for more emphasis on academic achievement.
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