
Saturday, October 03, 2009

Alligators.......and other critters

A few days ago an alligator was caught not far from here. Not a big one - only four feet long. Lots of wild creatures have been restless because of the harsh drought and scarce food supply. Mostly the Parks/Rec folks just let them roam, but this one was near a school and a bus stop, so policemen nearby duct-taped its snout and it was hauled away and released into the San Antonio River below the junction with I-37. I hadn't known until this report that gators were/are native to that river - the same one that flows along the Riverwalk.

Then today comes a report of an 800 pound gator shot and killed near Lake Livingston - by a 5-year old boy using a junior-sized .410 shotgun. The taxidermist says the head alone weighs 104 pounds.

A friend living a few miles away north of Helotes sent a picture of a large copperhead she spotted nestled in her favorite flower bed. Several other locals have reported rattlers and coral snakes. While it may be reassuring to know that Mother Nature is maintaining her stable of beasties, I
fervently hope that none of the unlovely creatures will decide to visit me.


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